Happy New Moon in Taurus

Yes, I’ve begun! The New Moon is here. I’m starting something new. I’m using Taurus’s steady manifestation energy to launch this practice of blogging. I got up today feeling determined, very Taurus! I will implement, Taurus’s skills as I root myself in this new pleasure of expression. Since we haven’t met face to face, I’m hoping I can share an essence of who I am, here. Please sign up to my newsletter for a New Moon Horoscope . I will send it out a day before so you can prepare, it will include when the New Moon begins and when it ends. This will be an essential time to plant seeds of intentions, implement something new and to create an action plan. Much Love!

May 11 2021 @ 11:50am PST ending on May 14 2021

Awareness grows here.

Aries: Money and fundamental values. How can I improve my security?

Taurus: Approaching life with gentle receptivity. How can I present myself better?

Gemini: Management or administration within an organization. How can I better recharge?

Cancer: Within groups, friends or the cause, register on a deeper sensory level. Who can be of help? Where is the opportunity?

Leo: Having Patience and endurance towards career ambitions. Represent your business to the highest degree, I am seen.

Virgo: Sharing your wealth of resources with others. Who will benefit from the knowledge I need to disperse?

Libra: Overseeing shared resources. How can I relate to my partner about shared goals and how to better implement them?

Scorpio: Emotional affinity in relationships. How can I better appreciate my relationship?

Sagittarius: It's all in a daily routine that is simplistic in the most positive sense. How can I better prioritize my responsibilities?

Capricorn: Immersing in the sensual world, creating more fun. What does fun look like?

Aquarius: Prepare the foundation for manifestation. What skills can I activate to build a sturdy foundation?

Pisces: Be deliberate in gathering information, connect and process. Who do I need to connect with to collect more information?